Win a FREE Body Type Assessment

Find your way to a happy body and a

harmonious life

Enter your details into the form below and win a chance at an assessment → valued at $597! Ayurvedic Health Counsellor and Certified Wellness Coach, Kendra Irvine, will be randomly selecting ONE lucky winner during a live draw on June 30th. 

What exactly is an Avurvedic Body Type Assessment?

The assessment includes a 2-hour comprehensive online intake into your unique emotional, physical, and spiritual characteristics, followed by a 1-hour results session. Finally, you will be provided with a step-by-step action plan which will tell you exactly how to harness your newfound knowledge and step into your truth. Kendra will guide you through a deep dive into your unique constitution…basically, what you’re made of – (hint, hintyou are DIVINE). Your eyes, ears, lips, nose, hair, palm, tongue, skin, body size all have qualities that tell a story about your constitutional makeup. This transformative exploration will tell us how much of the five elements – fire, wind, space, earth, and water – is in YOUR unique body type.

Your current eating and lifestyle practices are likely causing many imbalances, but with the healing nature of Ayurveda under your wings – you will rise. Our goal is to uncover your truth, bring your body back into balance, and elevate and align you to your inner-knowing and POWER by using the intuitive wisdom of the world’s oldest healthcare system, Ayurveda.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda (translated as “the science of life”) is an ancient healthcare system which takes the entire system (mind, body, and spirit) into consideration when identifying imbalances in the body. 

How would I benefit from an assesment?

An assessment with Kendra is a confidence-boosting journey to Self. Kendra takes busy and imbalanced individuals and guides them towards an inner and outer transformation with undeniable results. We quiet the noise and return to the grass-root fundamentals. We empower you with sustainable lifestyle changes which reconnect you (joyfully!) with your health and happiness. This is your birthright.