Your Resilient Body
5 Crucial Steps to Spring Detox for your Body Type
An exclusive Happy Body Post-Summit Mini-Course
We live in an increasingly toxic world. We breathe it in, we eat it, we step on it, it’s in our water, the things we see on screens, the things some people say…. it all ends up in our bodies!
Our bodies are talking to us and leaving clues, some are even screaming at us.
Maybe you can relate?
It’s time to clear out the junk! Join us for this exclusive post Happy Body Summit mini course to help you lighten the load. Literally.
This is for you if…
- You want a fresh start for your body this spring season.
- You are carrying extra weight or feel all around heavy and dumpy.
- Your insides are not happy and things just feel ‘off’.
It’s time to clean house, to release all that gunk that has been clinging to our bodies throughout the winter and, for some, way longer than that. Spring is in the air, the great melt will happen soon, and Mama Nature is asking you to release it now. It’s time.
According to Ayurveda, the ancient root-cause healing system, this is by far the best time of year to detox your body!
But not all detoxes are created equally. In fact, each of the 3 main body types get different benefits. So, let’s come together to improve our relationship with our bodies and take the 5 crucial steps necessary to detox and stay as clean as possible.
Sign Up!
Saturday, March 25th, 2023 from 10:30am-12:00pm MT
Recording is available.
PLUS BONUS RECIPE! We’ll share the recipe of the most effective food used in Ayurveda to help you release, rebuild, and become resilient! Sent to your inbox following course completion.

Over 90-minutes you will:
Get to know your body better by discovering your basic body type.
Could you be more fire, earth, or wind? The confidence people experience when they have this knowledge and put the cleansing practices to use, is worth its weight in gold.
Learn what foods are best for your body in the springtime.
Our bodies shift with the seasons. Learn how to dance with the changes, eat the right kinds of foods to release, and keep your body clean through the rest of the year.
Get simple therapies you can do at home
to help your body easily release toxins and maybe those last 10 lbs without having to try so hard.
Discover what hidden things in your home
are contributing to toxic junk in your body. Let’s bring that to light and help you clear it up!
Leave inspired and ready to grab your health by the horns.
You already have it in you. We will simply teach you what you need to know to stop undermining yourself and live to your true potential.
That’s a lot of goodies packed in just 90 minutes! But our goal is for you to have more than enough to get started on detoxing and rebuilding Your Resilient Body this spring.
The value of this course is $225, but our desire is to spread the light and help more and more people get clarity by cleaning out our bodies and starting fresh, so we’ve decided to offer it to you for a steal at just $49.
It’s a no-brainer investment in your health. Cozy up with us, grab a warm mug of tea, and get your pens out because we are going to light you up and get you crushing the spring season like a boss!