4 Steps to a Kickass Morning!
Creating a healthy daily routine or ‘Dinacharya’ as it’s known in Ayurveda is as essential to radical change as vodka shooters are at a college dorm party. The best way to get on it already is to start in the morning WITH ONE THING. That’s right. Just one. If you want...
Get Better Sleep Now! 5 Tips to Help you Bring on the zzz’s
This post is brought to you by one of my favourite bedtime stories called “Go the F*#k to Sleep” by Adam Mansbach. If you’ve read it, you’re probably a parent with a sense of humour. Pat yourself on the back. It’s hilarious. If you haven’t, go straight to Amazon, do...
Create More Space Now! 5 Tips to Help you Declutter your Life
Ryan to me (jokingly): “ You’re a wellness coach? What are you doing here?” Me to Ryan (humbly and bashfully): “I am here because I see the tremendous value in minimalism and creating space in my life…and I wanted to meet you two in person, silly!” This was part...
Change your Mindset Now!
“Whether you think you can or can’t you’re right.” -Henry Ford Our minds are far more powerful than we can even begin to grasp. We can literally turn consciousness into matter. Think Michaelangelo and the Sistine chapel. Imagine a beautiful dinner and then go home and...